Roads, drains and footpaths

Footpath Maintanance

Council manages 72.5km of footpaths and 146km of kerb and channel throughout all major population centres within the shire.
Council carries out regular inspections of the entire Footpath network to record area, condition and general risk in accordance with Council's Road Management Plan.

Council is responsible for the management and maintenance of drains within the shire with the exception of declared main roads, which are looked after by VicRoads 131 170.

Council is generally responsible for road and easement drainage problems. Exceptions include roof/property drainage to a legal point of discharge and drainage pipes at property entrances. These are the responsibility of the landowner. Driveway culverts are the responsibility of the property owner to keep clear.

Residents are encouraged to assist us by reporting significant drainage problems to the Infrastructure Department on (03) 5450 9333.

Urban Drains

Council is responsible for the management and maintenance of 56.5km of underground storm water drains in urban areas. The drains must be kept clear of all debris to ensure that they protect the community from major rainfall events and reduce debris that enter the river systems, resulting in poor water quality.  Council regularly conducts maintenance on the drainage network including cleaning, pipe replacement and street sweeping to ensure the drainage network functions to the best of it's abilities. 

Residents can assist Council by washing cars on lawns, ensuring leaves and debris are not swept into the stormwater drainage system and reporting any blockages or potential blockages to Infrastructure Department on 5450 9333.

Road maintenance

Council has responsibility for 508km of sealed roads; 1,930km of gravel/earth roads, varying from major roads to minor access tracks; 71 bridges and major culverts; 144km of kerb and channel and 74km of footpaths.

Council's Infrastructure Services Department carries out all maintenance on the sealed local road network throughout the shire.

If you wish to report a road maintenance issue please do not hesitate to contact the Council on (03) 5450 9333.  If you wish to discuss any other matter regarding sealed road maintenance please contact the Infrastructure Services Department on (03) 5450 9333.

Council's Infrastructure Services Department currently maintains some 508km of sealed local roads.  Maintenance includes patching, shoulder works, regulation and reconstruction.

Road Rehabilitation

Council annually undertakes rehabilitation works of approximately 5km of sealed road. Works include pavement strengthening, pavement widening, rut regulation, and shoulder works.

Reseal Program

Council annually carries out resealing of approximately 8% - 10% of the sealed road network. Resealing old pavements prevents moisture from entering the pavement and causing failures such as potholes.


Project managers undertaking works can complete the relevant paperwork on Council's website. This includes the Works Within a Road Reserve Application and Vehicle Crossing Application.

Before completing an application, please read Council's Works Within a Road Reserve Handbook. To view this document, please click here(PDF, 173KB).

Works Within a Road Reserve Application

Minor Works/Vehicle Crossings Application

Application for an Asset Protection Permit