Selling tobacco products


Environmental Health Officers offer advice and help on all tobacco and smoking-related issues. Public resources and No Smoking signs can be ordered online or provided by Council.

Council participates in tobacco test purchasing to check tobacco retailers aren’t selling cigarettes to people under the age of 18.

We also inspect a number of premises to make sure they obey the Tobacco Act 1987 and respond to all complaints about tobacco.

Current tobacco reforms in force:

  • A ban on smoking in cars with a person under 18 years
  • A ban on sale of cigarettes at temporary outlets (such as horse races)
  • A ban on certain fruit-flavoured cigarettes
  • A ban on display of tobacco products

Smoke-free areas

The latest amendments to the Tobacco Act 1987 have extended the areas where smoking is banned across Victoria. These smoke-free areas now include:

  • All enclosed workplaces and certain public spaces;
  • Outdoors within 10 meters of playgrounds and skate parks, sporting venues during under 18s events and within public swimming pool grounds; and
  • At schools and kindergartens, childcare centres, the Parliament of Victoria, public hospitals and registered community health centres, courts, police stations and certain Victorian Government buildings.

From 1 August 2017, the Tobacco Amendment Act 2016 amended the Tobacco Act 1987 to ban smoking at all outdoor dining areas when food is available for consumption. This includes:

  • Premises such as restaurants, cafés, take-away shops and licenced premises, including courtyard dining areas and footpath dining;
  • Food fairs; and
  • Other organised outdoor events, including community or street festivals.


Tobacco sales and smoking

The Department of Health provides information about tobacco reforms including:

  • Tobacco retailers
  • Vending machines
  • Tobacco smoke in workplaces
  • Licensed premises
  • Outdoor dining/drinking