Have you say on Council's Draft Asset Plan

Published on 23 May 2022

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Residents are encouraged to have their say on the Draft Gannawarra Shire Council Asset Plan 2022-2032, which outlines the measures that will guide Council when making key decisions regarding the construction, upgrade, renewal, maintenance and disposal of assets.

Presented at the May 2022 Council Meeting for endorsement to proceed to the community feedback stage, the Draft Gannawarra Shire Council Asset Plan 2022-2032 outlines expenditure profiles for Council-owned assets, including roads, bridges, footpaths, buildings, stormwater collection infrastructure, recreation facilities, community facilities and waste management infrastructure.

“As part of the Local Government Act 2020, all Councils in Victoria are required to prepare an Asset Plan for a period of at least the next 10 financial years,” Mayor Charlie Gillingham said.

“The Draft Gannawarra Shire Council Asset Plan 2022-2032 aims to transparently and clearly set Council’s direction and priorities that support the efficient and responsible management of its assets on behalf of the community.”

The Draft Gannawarra Shire Council Asset Plan 2022-2032 forecasts Council will spend $69.195 million on renewing current assets during the next 10 years, with $63.85 million to be allocated to new, upgraded and expansion of assets during this time. A further $87.18 million is forecast for operations and maintenance.

“This expenditure profile is a balance struck between the need to maintain existing service levels while striving to enhance services and provide new services for the community,” Mayor Gillingham said.

“The plan acknowledges the growth in the renewal gap, which is the difference between what Council spends renewing its assets and what it needs to spend to maintain the current average condition and service level of its assets.”

To view the Draft Gannawarra Shire Council Asset Plan 2022-2032 and to have your say, visit the Asset Plan section at www.gsc.vic.gov.au/yoursay before 5pm Wednesday, 1 June.

“All feedback received before Wednesday, 1 June will assist with the development of the final version of the Gannawarra Shire Council Asset Plan 2022-2032, which is to be presented to Council at the June 2022 Council Meeting, occurring on Wednesday, 15 June 2022,” Mayor Gillingham said.

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